Saturday, April 4, 2009


This 8 minute animation short was shown to me a while back by my best friend, and I still get a sense of wonder when I watch it now, even having seen it numerous times. Created by Czech film maker, Jan Svankmajer, it's an allegory about the claustrophobic atmosphere of his home country, Czechoslovakia (currently Czech Republic).

However, even with it's less-than-joyous political undertones, it's still a joy to watch as a delightful little bit of animation.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Beginning

I like things. Perhaps this is a broad statement, but I like an awful lot of things, so I think it's alright.

Sometimes it's difficult to keep up with all the things I find myself enjoying and so I've decided I'm going to try and keep track of them here. Why in a blog, you (my invisible reader) may ask? Well, in the hopes that perhaps someone will stumble across it and find a few things they rather enjoy, themselves.

We'll see where it takes me. I've no plan or format here, just me compiling the things that make me happy.

And in that way, I suppose this first entry is rather reflective of one of the first things I thoroughly like: Lists. I love lists. I love making them, I love crossing things off of them, I love the way they look on paper, or hands, or computer screens. I just love lists. And that's really what this blog is going to be - me listing things in various forms, and by the end of it I'll have quite the little set up here.

So, onwards and upwards - it's time to start.