So, I'm actually rather enjoying having this blog, you know. Though I don't know why. I think the only person who reads it is my best friend (by the by, if you
don't happen to be her, I suggest you gander at
her blog, as well, as it often time appears far more interesting than mine and her vocabulary is infinitely better than mine, too) and, really, just about everything on this here blog has been discussed with her at some previous time already so it's kind of pointless for her to just read it again online.
Yet I completely intend to continue with this little venture, anyway. I think this is because on a deeper, more personal, more embarrassing level I'm a bit full of myself. I honestly think I like cool things and that other people should like these cool things, too, and so I've created this blog to spend my time talking about these things hoping someone will find it and agree with me. ''s what I want - someone to agree with me. Believe me to be correct. Inflate my ego, I suppose. I don't know why, but that's what I believe to be the root of this thing. Plus, I really like to talk. I'll go ahead and blame four years of competitive speech for that, but I'll admit that it's more likely that I did four years of speech because I like to talk so much rather than the other way around.
And, much like I said in the beginning, I also love lists and organizing things and having knowledge and thoughts all in one handy-dandy spot: This here blog. And I think it's because of my love of listing and organizing things that I've started things like the Spotlights and the Cool Comics of the Month. But I think, honestly, I'm just going to cancel those while I'm ahead. Though I love the idea of titles and sections, I think I'm just going to go with the flow instead of trying to label and organize
every little thing. It seems to come off a bit forced to me when I do it like that, and the end result makes me unhappy. So that's just gonna end right now. After I post this I'm going to go back and edit the tags.
But anyway, I guess that's about it. I just wanted to lay these thoughts out in type. Now it's time to go reorganize, something I love almost as much as simply organizing.